Named after Gen. J. Franklin Bell, who was sent to the Philippines during the Philippine-American War, the Bell House holds historical significance. Gen. Bell played a key role in transforming Camp John Hay into a renowned military resort. Once the vacation home of the Commanding General of the Philippines, the Bell House has now been converted into a modern museum that showcases old architecture and lifestyle. Surrounded by picturesque gardens, the entire place exudes a colonial charm.
Adjacent to the Bell House is the Bell Amphitheatre, which is a popular venue for weddings and parties due to its stunning setting. If you wish to extend your stay, you also have the option to book accommodations at the resort. Visiting the Bell House and its surroundings is a unique experience that allows you to delve into the rich history and colonial heritage of the area.
Located in Camp John Hay next to the Bell Amphitheater, and in the same area as the Secret Garden, Butterfly Sanctuary, Cemetery of Negativism, and Baguio History Trail.
Sunday | 9am – 5pm |
Monday | 9am – 5pm |
Tuesday | 9am – 5pm |
Wednesday | 9am – 5pm |
Thursday | 9am – 5pm |
Friday | 9am – 5pm |
Saturday | 9am – 5pm |
Entrance Fee:
- Standard – 60 pesos
- Residents – 40 pesos
- Senior Citizens/Students – 30 pesos
Camp John Hay