Saturday, July 27, 2024


98 POSTS0 COMMENTS™ is a great place for Baguio residents and tourists to discover; things to do, places to go, and places to eat in Baguio.

Azalea Hotel

Facility Azalea Hotel is a nice looking building that fits well in the mountain community of Baguio. It's not in the center area of Baguio...

Good Shepherd View Deck

A nice place to visit for locals and tourists alike. View Deck The view deck at Good Shepherd in Baguio is a renowned and picturesque location...

Pine Trees

Whether a you're a Baguio local or a visitor it's always nice to see Baguio pine trees throughout the city and the surroundings of...

Nature in The Fog

One of the most magical things to see is Baguio fog. People living in Baguio get to experience the magical feeling it brings to...

The Bell House

Named after Gen. J. Franklin Bell, who was sent to the Philippines during the Philippine-American War, the Bell House holds historical significance. Gen. Bell...

Nice Sunset

There are many beautiful places around Baguio to see the sunset from. If it matters to you find out where to view the sunset...

Beautiful Sunrise

There are so many beautiful places in Baguio. With mornings being exceptionally beautiful with the light crosses over and through the mountains. Whether you're...

Sunrise from Mines View Park

One of the most beloved sites to watch sunrise from in Baguio is Mines View Park. Whether you are a Baguio resident or visitor...

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